- 世界主要的生物病毒实验室
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- PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases中文名,叫什么
- “世界卫生组织”资料,中英文版
- prevalent和epidemic的区别
- Tropical diseases are comparatively____ in Britain.
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以下是世界上比较出名的主要病毒研究中心,来自百科全书。(?你要知道的实验室是什么级别的?都是P4级别的吗)Australia Australia operates three BSL-4 labs. These are * The Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong (VIC). * The Virology Laboratory of the Queensland Department of Health at Coopers Plains (QLD). * The National High Security Laboratory, operating under the auspices of the Victoria Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, in North Melbourne (VIC). Brazil Several research institutions such as University of São Paulo, Instituto Butantan and Instituto Adolf Lutz have BSL-3 laboratories to study infectious diseases or develop vaccines against Tuberculosis. It is not clear that Fundação Oswaldo Cruz actually operates a BSL-4 laboratoy in Rio de Janeiro. Original citation in this page: “The Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, a biomedical research institute of the Brazilian government, operates a BSL-4 in Rio de Janeiro“. Canada Canada has one BSL4 facility, located at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg. In the 1990s, a BSL-4 was constructed in Toronto, however, it never opened due to community opposition. Czech Republic Czech Republic has BSL4 lab at Centrum biologické ochrany Těchonín (Center of Biological Protection). France France maintains a P4 (for “pathogen“ or “protection“ level 4) laboratory, Laboratoire P4 Jean Mérieux in Lyon. Gabon The Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville (CIRMF), a research organization supported by the French government, operates West Africa’s only BSL-4 lab. Germany Germany currently has two L4 facilities: one located at the Philipps University of Marburg, Institute of Virology and the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg. A new P4 lab is currently being built in Marburg and will take over the functions of the old L4 facility there. Also, another P4 lab is planned to be built at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin. Japan Japan has a BSL4 lab at the National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Department of Virology I, Tokyo; however, currently work in this lab is only performed with BSL3 agents. Japan has also a non-operating BSL4 lab at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tsukuba. Both labs face community opposition. India India’s BSL4 lab is High Security Animal Disease Laboratory (HSADL) located in Bhopal, India. It deals with all kinds of zoonotic organisms and emerging infectious disease threats. Italy Italy’s BSL4 lab are at: - Istituto Nazionale Malattie Infettive, Ospedale Lazzaro Spallanzani, Rome. (National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital.) - Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale Luigi Sacco - Polo Universitario - (Milano). In that hospital there are also two special vehicles in BSL4 for transportation of infectious persons Netherlands The RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment]], located in Bilthoven, is constructing a BSL3-4 laboratory at the moment. The construction should finish end of 2009. Russia VEKTOR State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, Koltsovo, Novosibirsk region. Other BSL4 facilities available during the Soviet era have been dismantled. Singapore The Defence Science Organization(DSO) National Laboratories operates a BSL-4 facility. With the announced goal of conducting autopsies during a potential deadly epidemic outbreak, Singapore also has a mobile BSL-4 autopsy facility, perhaps the only one of its kind in the world. South Africa The National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Special Pathogens Unit in Johannesburg, South Africa is one of two BSL4 labs in Africa. Sweden The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control runs Scandinavia’s only P4 laboratory in Solna. Switzerland The Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis (IVI) in Mittelhäusern is the only publicly known laboratory in Switzerland to be classed as having biosafety level (BSL) 4. This laboratory only deals with animal disease which do not transmit to humans, and is the only P4 facility where complete isolation suits are not used. A P4 laboratory was inaugurated on February 01, 2007 in the Teaching Hospital of Geneva. Since November 12, 2007 the new High Containment Laboratory DDPS (SiLab) in Spiez is under construction and will start operations in 2010. This laboratory will comply with biosafety level (BSL) 4. Taiwan In Taiwan, two laboratories have BSL4. One is Preventive Medical Institute of ROC Ministry of National Defense, another is Kwen-yang Laboratory (昆阳实验室) Center of Disease Control, Department of Health ROC. United Kingdom The United Kingdom currently has three BSL-4 laboratories, with another under construction. One is under construction at the National Institute for Medical Research in London, and the other has been built by the Ministry of Defence at Porton Down and is called the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment. There is also a BSL-4 Laboratory in the Viral Zoonosis unit at the Health Protection Agency’s Centre for Infections in Colindale. United States of America The U.S. maintains at least eight Biosafety Level 4 facilities, and is currently planning at least seven more: Operational Facilities: * USAMRIID in Fort Detrick, MD (“old building“) * CDC in Atlanta, GA (two buildings operational) * NIH’s BSL-4 lab on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, MD (sometimes operates at BSL-3), never operated as a “hot“ BSL4 * NIH’s BSL-4 lab at the Twinbrook III building, Rockville, MD (sometimes operates at BSL-3) * Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research in San Antonio, TX * UTMB’s Shope Laboratory in Galveston, TX * Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA (smaller “glovebox“ facility) * The Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services lab (part of the Department of General Services of the Commonwealth of Virginia) in Richmond, VA (so-called “surge“ BSL-4 capacity) Facilities Under Construction and Planned: * USAMRIID in Fort Detrick, MD (“new building“, in design) * Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory (NEIDL) in Boston, MA (under construction) * UTMB’s National Biocontainment Facility in Galveston, TX (under construction) * DHS’s National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) in Fort Detrick, MD (under construction) * DHS’s National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF), shortlisted July 2007; final site selection mid to late 2008 * NIAID’s Integrated Research Facility in Fort Detrick, MD (in construction- earliest operational date 2009) * NIAID’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, MT (in construction - earliest operational date 2009)
新的【基因】证据显示梅毒病毒【被】哥伦布引入欧洲首先记录的梅毒传染病在 1495 年发生, 激发一场世纪辩论,细菌来自美国,还是本来就在旧世界(指东半球,亚欧非等等)存在,只是在1500年之前没有被人们跟其他的皮肤病区别开。为了揭示梅毒的起源,艾摩利大学的科学家和他们的同事用世界范围内相关的细菌比较了微生物的【变种】。他们发现那与梅毒性质最靠近的是南美洲变体,一种经由皮肤接触,仅在炎热潮湿区域传布的疾病。一个理论认为梅毒是到达欧洲后变得只能经由性行为传播,更多的衣服和更冷的气候限制了它的其他传播方式。研究者们在1月15日PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 一文中声称,基本上,病毒的祖先跟人类一样古老,几千年前跟着移民一起到了美洲,远在哥伦布之前。
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases中文名,叫什么
中英对照世卫组织是联合国系统内卫生问题的指导和协调机构。它负责对全球卫生事务提供领导,拟定卫生研究议程,制定规范和标准,阐明以证据为基础的政策方案,向各国提供技术支持,以及监测和评估卫生趋势。二十一世纪中,卫生是一项共同责任,涉及到公平获得基本保健和集体防范跨越国界的威胁。About WHOIntroductory brochure on WHO WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.In the 21st century, health is a shared responsibility, involving equitable access to essential care and collective defence against transnational threats.The WHO agendaA six-point agenda to improve public healthThe role of WHO in public healthThe Organization’s core functionsGovernance of WHOWorld Health Assembly, Executive Board and ConstitutionHistory of WHOOrigin of WHO and historical resourcesPeople and officesThe Organization’s structure and presenceResources and planningBudget, fund sources and expenditures世卫组织的议程世卫组织在日益复杂和迅速变化的局势中运作。公共卫生行动的界限已经模糊,延及至能够影响卫生机会与结果的其他部门。世卫组织通过一个六项目议程来应对这些挑战。这六个项目涉及两项卫生目标,两项战略需要,以及两个业务办法。世卫组织的总体绩效将根据其工作对妇女健康和非洲卫生保健的影响来衡量。“我希望我的领导工作,能以我们对这两组人群的健康方面的工作影响来判断:妇女和非洲人民。”– 世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍博士妇女健康和非洲卫生保健1. 促进发展过去十年中,卫生作为社会经济进步的重要推动因素,受到了前所未有的重视,获得的资源比以往任何时候都多。然而,贫困继续造成健康不佳,而健康不佳又使许多人群深陷贫困之中。卫生发展以公平这一道德原则为指导:不得以不公平的理由,包括那些基于经济或社会的理由,拒绝提供拯救生命或促进健康的干预措施。坚持这一原则可以确保以卫生发展为目标的世卫组织活动优先重视在穷困、处境不利或弱势群体中取得卫生结果。实现卫生相关千年发展目标、预防和治疗慢性病,以及处理被忽视的热带病是卫生和发展议程的基础。2. 促进卫生安全对卫生安全威胁的共同脆弱性要求采取集体行动。国际卫生安全的最大威胁之一源于新出现疾病和有流行倾向疾病的暴发。这些暴发正日益增多,迅速城市化、环境管理不善、食品生产和贸易的方式,以及抗菌素使用和误用的方式等都是促发因素。2007年6月经修订的《国际卫生条例》生效后,世界集体防范疾病暴发的能力将得到加强。3. 加强卫生系统要将改善健康作为一项减贫战略,就必须让穷困和难以获得服务的人群能够获得卫生服务。但是世界许多地区的卫生系统做不到这一点,所以世卫组织必须将加强卫生系统作为一项首要重点。这方面涉及到的领域包括提供数量充足并经过适当培训的工作人员,提供充足的资金,收集重要统计资料的适当系统,和获得适当技术,包括基本药物。4. 利用研究、信息和证据证据能够为确定重点、制定战略和衡量成果提供依据。世卫组织通过与重要专家进行协商产生具有权威性的卫生信息,以便制定规范和标准,阐明以证据为基础的政策方案并监测全球卫生状况的发展。5. 加强伙伴关系世卫组织开展工作时得到许多伙伴的支持与合作,其中包括联合国各机构和其它国际组织、捐助方、民间社会以及私立部门。世卫组织利用证据的战略力量鼓励伙伴们在国家内部实施规划,以便使它们的活动与最佳技术准则和做法,以及与各国确定的重点相一致。6. 改善绩效世卫组织参与目前正在进行的改革,目的在于改善它在国际层面以及在国家内部的效率和效益。世卫组织的目标是确保其最雄厚的资产,也即其工作人员,能够在一个有动力和有报偿的环境中开展工作。世卫组织编制预算和筹划活动时采用以成果为基础的管理办法,用明确的预期成果来衡量国家、区域和国际各级的绩效。The WHO agendaWHO operates in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing landscape. The boundaries of public health action have become blurred, extending into other sectors that influence health opportunities and outcomes. WHO responds to these challenges using a six-point agenda. The six points address two health objectives, two strategic needs, and two operational approaches. The overall performance of WHO will be measured by the impact of its work on women’s health and health in Africa.“I want my leadership to be judged by the impact of our work on the health of two populations: women and the people of Africa.“Dr Margaret Chan, Director-GeneralMore on women’s health and health in Africa1. Promoting developmentDuring the past decade, health has achieved unprecedented prominence as a key driver of socioeconomic progress, and more resources than ever are being invested in health. Yet poverty continues to contribute to poor health, and poor health anchors large populations in poverty. Health development is directed by the ethical principle of equity: Access to life-saving or health-promoting interventions should not be denied for unfair reasons, including those with economic or social roots. Commitment to this principle ensures that WHO activities aimed at health development give priority to health outcomes in poor, disadvantaged or vulnerable groups. Attainment of the health-related Millennium Development Goals, preventing and treating chronic diseases and addressing the neglected tropical diseases are the cornerstones of the health and development agenda.2. Fostering health securityShared vulnerability to health security threats demands collective action. One of the greatest threats to international health security arises from outbreaks of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases. Such outbreaks are occurring in increasing numbers, fuelled by such factors as rapid urbanization, environmental mismanagement, the way food is produced and traded, and the way antibiotics are used and misused. The world’s ability to defend itself collectively against outbreaks has been strengthened since June 2007, when the revised International Health Regulations came into force.3. Strengthening health systemsFor health improvement to operate as a poverty-reduction strategy, health services must reach poor and underserved populations. Health systems in many parts of the world are unable to do so, making the strengthening of health systems a high priority for WHO. Areas being addressed include the provision of adequate numbers of appropriately trained staff, sufficient financing, suitable systems for collecting vital statistics, and access to appropriate technology including essential drugs.4. Harnessing research, information and evidenceEvidence provides the foundation for setting priorities, defining strategies, and measuring results. WHO generates authoritative health information, in consultation with leading experts, to set norms and standards, articulate evidence-based policy options and monitor the evolving global heath situation.5. Enhancing partnershipsWHO carries out its work with the support and collaboration of many partners, including UN agencies and other international organizations, donors, civil society and the private sector. WHO uses the strategic power of evidence to encourage partners implementing programmes within countries to align their activities with best technical guidelines and practices, as well as with the priorities established by countries.6. Improving performanceWHO participates in ongoing reforms aimed at improving its efficiency and effectiveness, both at the international level and within countries. WHO aims to ensure that its strongest asset - its staff - works in an environment that is motivating and rewarding. WHO plans its budget and activities through results-based management, with clear expected results to measure performance at country, regional and international levels.世卫组织的历史1945年,当外交官们举行会议成立联合国时,他们讨论的事情之一就是建立一个全球卫生组织。世卫组织的组织法于1948年4月7日生效 - 这个日子便是我们现在每年庆祝的世界卫生日。History of WHOWhen diplomats met to form the United Nations in 1945, one of the things they discussed was setting up a global health organization.WHO’s Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health Day.
prevalent英 adj. 流行的,盛行的;普遍存在的,普遍发生的 流行的; 不绝于耳; 普通的; 流行的,普遍的 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词流行的;盛行的;普遍的 A condition, practice, or belief that is prevalent is common. This condition is more prevalent in women than in men... 这种病症在女性当中比在男性当中更为普遍。Smoking is becoming increasingly prevalent among younger women... 抽烟在年轻女性中变得越来越常见。The prevalent view is that interest rates will fall. 人们普遍认为利率会下降。prevalence ...the prevalence of asthma in Britain and western Europe. 英国和西欧哮喘的流行1.These prejudices are particularly prevalent among people living in the North. 这些偏见在北方人中尤为常见。 2. The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people. 崇拜祖先的风俗在这些人中是普遍的。 3. The habit of travelling by aeroplane is becoming more prevalent. 乘飞机旅行的习惯变得越来越盛行了。 4. Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans. 异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中仍然很少见。 5. Colds are prevalent in the winter. 伤风在冬季很普遍。 6. Whooping cough is very prevalent just now. 百日咳正在广泛流行。 7. The prevalent view is that interest rates will fall. 人们普遍认为利率会下降。 8. One form of excise is so prevalent that it deserves special attention. 有一种特殊形式的附加工作,它们因十分普遍而备受关注。 9. It is the most prevalent type in advanced industrial nations. 在各工业发达国家中,这是一种最通行的类型。 10. We exposed some of the more prevalent myths about Chrysler. 我们揭露了当时流传比较广的一些关于克莱斯勒公司的神话。 11. It was symptomatic of the prevalent mood of hesitation. 这典型地表明了普遍存在的那种犹疑不决的情绪。 12. Farless prevalent at this time were other truly bird-like creatures. 另一些和鸟类相似的动物在当时是不那么盛行的。 13. They are more prevalent in soils of the tropical and subtropical regions. 它们在热带和亚热带地区的土壤中较为普遍。 14. Terpenoids are more prevalent in some arid or semiarid climates. 萜类在某些干旱或半干旱气候条件下较为普遍。 15. They were brought up in the liberal atmosphere prevalent in the 1960s. 他们在六十年代盛行的自由气氛中长大。 16. The prevalent is the spiral. 常见的有盘旋形的。 17. Signal conditioning is becoming more prevalent. 信号调节变得越来越普遍。 18. That superstition was prevalent among them. 那种迷信在他们之间广为流传。 19. Is malaria still prevalent among the populationhere? 疟疾是否仍为此地居民的多发病? 20. Bilingual classes are more prevalent. 双语教学班级更为流行。 epidemic英 n. 流行病;迅速的传播、生长或发展;风尚等的流行 adj. 流行性的;极为盛行的 流行病; 流行; 流行的; 传染病 复数:epidemics (疾病的)流行,传播 If there is an epidemic of a particular disease somewhere, it affects a very large number of people there and spreads quickly to other areas. flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow. 一场流感正席卷莫斯科。...a killer epidemic of yellow fever. 致命的黄热病的流行2. 可数名词(坏事的)盛行,泛滥,猖獗 If an activity that you disapprove of is increasing or spreading rapidly, you can refer to this as an epidemic of that activity. .an epidemic of serial killings... 连环杀人现象的猖獗Drug experts say it could spell the end of the crack epidemic. 禁毒专家说它可能会结束强效可卡因吸食泛滥的局面。1. the containment of the epidemic 对流行病的控制 2. the outbreak of a flu epidemic 流感的爆发 3. A typhus epidemic struck in the winter of 1919–20. 1919 至1920 年的冬天斑疹伤寒症流行。 4. The Sanitary Board tries to stamp out the epidemic. 卫生局试图消灭这种流行病。 5. In a worst-case scenario, the disease will reach epidemic proportions. 最坏的情况是这种病流行开来。 6. That kind of epidemic disease has long been stamped out. 那种传染病早已绝迹。 7. The authorities tried to localise the epidemic. 当局试图把流行病限制在局部范围。 8. The epidemic swept off most of the villagers. 那场传染病夺去了大部分村民的生命。 9. This was a light epidemic of flu and there was no danger if you avoided pneumonia. 这是轻度流感,只要当心不引起肺炎,就无危险。 10. A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow. 一场流感正席卷莫斯科。 11. The disease recurs in epidemic cycles at two-to three-year intervals. 本病流行周期为2-3年。 12. In 1854, a localized epidemic of Asiatic cholera broke out in London. 一种地方性传染病――亚细亚霍乱于1854年在伦敦爆发。 13. The threat of an epidemic caused great alarm and trepidation. 流行病猖獗因而人心惶惶。 14. Buying goods on the installment plan has become epidemic in recent years. 近几年来,用分期付款的办法购物十分流行。 15. The news of the epidemic struck terror into the population. 流行病蔓延的消息使居民感到恐慌。 16. Disease and coincident dissemination of virus may occur to produce an epidemic. 本病及同时传播着的病毒即可引起一次流行。 17. The doctors worked around the clock to stem the epidemic. 医生们不眠不休地为遏止传染病而工作。 18. The epidemic disease was kept under control by the authorities’ vigorous action. 当局采取有力措施,控制住此种传染病的蔓延。 19. A flu epidemic raged through the school for weeks. 流感在这所学校里蔓延了几个星期。 20. Daily, hundreds fell a sacrifice to the terrible epidemic. 每天都有几百人染上这种可怕的传染病而牺牲。
Tropical diseases are comparatively____ in Britain.
rare表示某种现象不常见,如:It’s rare to see him being late at work.slight表示稍微,程度上的不多。如:There is slight difference between the two models.
disease 是什么意思,给得越多越好,你给意思得越多,我给的分越高
疾病, 病害门户弊病生病病, 疾病;【植】病害 (精神、道德、社会制度等的)败坏, 弊病 (酒、食物等的)变质 不安 使生病, 传染习惯用语 be cured of a disease 治好病 catch a disease 患病 suffer from a disease 患病 take a disease 患病 Desperate diseases must have desperate cures . 猛药起沉疴; 在非常情况下必须采取非常手段。 Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. 猛药起沉疴; 在非常情况下必须采取非常手段。 foot-in-mouth disease (有)说错话的毛病 Diseases come on horseback and go away on foot. 得病容易去病难。 特殊用法 acorn disease 【植】橡实病 acquired disease 后天病 acute disease 急性病 acute infectious disease 急性传染病 acute respiratory disease 急性呼吸道疾病 adaptation disease (环境)适应症候群; 适应症 adaptive disease 适应性疾病 Addison’s disease 阿狄森氏病, 慢性肾上腺皮质机能减退症 agricultural disease 农业病 air-borne disease 空传疾病 allergic disease 变应性病, 过敏性病 altitude disease 高山病, 高空病 anaphylactic disease 过敏性疾病 animal-borne disease 动物传染疾病 arteriosclerotic heart disease 动脉硬化性心脏病 aural disease 耳病 auto-allergic disease 自身变应性疾病 autoimmune disease 自身免疫性疾病 bacillary disease 杆菌病 bacterial disease 细菌疾病 barksplitting disease 【植】蜜环菌根腐病 biogeochemical disease 生物地球化学病 blackfoot disease 黑脚病 black lung disease 黑肺病 bleeder disease 血友病 blue disease 青紫病 bowel oedema disease 猪水肿病 caisson disease 潜水病, 沉箱病 cardiac disease 心脏病 cardiovascular disease 心血管病 cerebrovascular disease 脑血管疾病 chronic disease 慢性病 chronic pulmonary disease 慢性肺病 chronic respiratory disease 慢性呼吸道疾病 circling disease 李代杆菌病, 转圈病 climatic disease 气候病 communicable disease 传染性疾病 complicating disease 并发病 congenital disease 先天病 congenital herat disease 先天性心脏病 constriction disease 【植】收缩病 contagious disease 接触传染病 coronary disease 冠心病 coronary artery disease 冠心病 cyclic disease 周期性病 degenerative disease 变性疾病 degenerative joint disease 关节变性病 diamond-skin disease 打火印(猪丹毒的一种温和病型) digestive disease 消化系统疾病 distorting disease 畸变病 diving disease 潜水疾病 dust disease 积尘病; 尘埃沉着病 dwarf disease 【植】矮化病 employment diseases 职业病 endemic disease 地方病 English disease 气管炎 佝偻病, 软骨病 epidemic disease 流行病 epiphytotic disease 植物流行病 epizootic disease 动物流行病 farm household disease 农家病 familial disease 家族病 filth disease 由于水土污染引起的疾病 fly disease 蝇疾病 functional disease 官能症; 机能性疾病 fungoid disease (果、蔬)真菌性病(害) gas disease 气泡病(鱼类病); 毒气病 Gianotti’s disease 贾诺梯氏病 glycogen storage disease 糖原过多症 grey speck disease 灰斑病 beavy chain disease 重链病 helminthic disease 蠕虫病 hereditary disease 遗传性疾病 Hers’ disease 赫斯氏症(糖原病) high-altitude disease 高原病 Hirschsprung’s disease 巨结肠症 hookworm disease 钩虫病 Hunter-Hurler’s disease 粘多糖病第二型 hypertensive heart disease 高血压性心脏病 Iceland disease 冰岛病, 流行性神经性肌无力 immunological disease 免疫性疾病 industrial disease 工业病 infectious disease 传染病 ink disease 【植】黑水病 insect-borne disease 昆虫传染病 intestinal tract disease 肠胃病 introduced disease 感染病害 irremediable disease 不治之症 itai-itai disease 骨痛病; 痛痛症; 疼痛病(慢性镉中毒) knot-root disease 根瘤病 Kohler’s disease 卡尔菜病, 软骨病 latent disease 潜伏性疾病; 隐性疾病 lead disease 铅(中毒引起的)疾病 leaf spot disease 叶斑病 loin disease 牛磷缺乏症 lower motor neuron disease 下位运动神经元病 maple syrup urine disease 槭糖尿病 mental disease 精神病 mosaic disease 花叶病 mucosal disease 粘膜病 native disease 地方病 neurological disease 神经(系统疾)病 non-infective disease 非传染病 non-parasitic disease 非寄生病 nutritional disease 营养性疾病 occupational disease 职业病 pandemic disease 大范围流行病, 全国或洲际流行病 parasitic disease 寄生物病, 寄生虫病 periodic disease 周期性病 physiological disease 生理病害 pollution disease 污染(引起的)疾疫 pulmonary disease 肺病 radiation disease 射线病, 放射病 red spot disease (粮食)赤斑病, 红点病 renal disease 肾病 respiratory disease 呼吸道疾病 rheumatoild disease 类风湿性关节炎 rope disease 马铃薯粘腐病 roundworm disease 线虫病 蛔虫病 runt disease 【免疫】侏儒病 rural disease 农村疾病 rust disease 锈病 school disease 学校病 secondary disease 继发症; 续发症 shot-hole disease 【植】穿孔病 sickle cell disease 镰状细胞(贫血)病, 镰刀形红细胞(贫血)病 skin disease 皮肤病 slime disease 【植】粘液病 social disease 性病 由于社会经济因素而流行的疾病 socio-economic diseases 社会经济病症 soil disease 土壤病症; 土壤不良 soil-borne disease 土传疾病 spirochetal disease 螺旋体病 sporadic disease 散发病 St.Hubert’s disease 狂犬病, 畏水病 streak disease 条斑病 stubborn disease 【植】顽固病 tan disease 褐斑病 tapeworm disease 绦虫病 tar spot disease 黑痣病 transplantation disease 【免疫】移植 病 trichophyton disease 发癣 tropical disease 热带病 vascular disease 血管病 venereal disease 性病 viral disease 病毒病 walkabout disease 梦行病 walking disease 梦行病 wasting disease 萎缩病 waterborne disease 水传播病 watermark disease 水纹病 weird disease 怪病 whipworm disease 鞭虫病 white muscle disease (兽类)白肌病 Willis’ disease 威氏病, 糖尿病 wilt disease 落叶病 昆虫病, 毒病 wool-sorter’s disease 【动】炭疸, 脾瘟